Basic Cell Visual Microscopy Kit Lesson Plans

There are five micrographs that make up the Basic Cell Kit.  These lesson plans will turn the set of posters into Visual Microscopy Learning Kits. Download these lessons to get your students involved directly with the Basic Cell images.


On this page you can download the lesson plan to go with any one micrograph or the lessons that accompany the entire kit.

Basic Cell Visual Microscopy Kit lesson plans
PST-cell is the entire kit of 5 micrographs of cells. The lesson plans to accompany the entire set as a whole can be downloaded from this link.
Adobe Acrobat document [1.1 MB]
Elodea Cell Visual Microscopy Kit lesson plans
PST-cell-1 is a micrograph of Elodea cells. The lesson plans to accompany that image can be downloaded from this link.
Adobe Acrobat document [279.4 KB]
Cheek Cell Visual Microscopy Kit lesson plans
PST-cell-2 is a micrograph of cheek cells. The lesson plans to accompany that image can be downloaded from this link.
Adobe Acrobat document [217.3 KB]
Red Pepper Cell Visual Microscopy Kit lesson plans
PST-cell-3 is a micrograph of Elodea cells. The lesson plans to accompany that image can be downloaded from this link.
Adobe Acrobat document [272.6 KB]
Banana Cell Visual Microscopy Kit lesson plans
PST-cell-4 is a micrograph of banana cells. The lesson plans to accompany that image can be downloaded from this link.
Adobe Acrobat document [202.1 KB]
Red Onion Cell Visual Microscopy Kit lesson plans
PST-cell-5 is a micrograph of red onion cells. The lesson plans to accompany that image can be downloaded from this link.
Adobe Acrobat document [230.9 KB]

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